Monday, September 30, 2019

The concepts of motivation and learning become a crucial part

Through the study of Psychology we find that the concepts of motivation and learning become a crucial part of our development and growth.   A continual cycle of need and fulfillment, it is that which compels us, as individuals, to seek out goals and the means by which we achieve those goals.   Motivation and learning does not end in the abstract but accompanies us throughout the complexities of real life experiences.   In settings like that of the classroom or workplace we may be exposed to an array of new opportunities.To further our need for growth we may explore the resources of undertaking a second language or learn the latest product information in order to market a new wireless communication service plan.   Does this mean we will automatically accept such ventures merely because they exist or do we remain solely within the boundaries of satisfying our needs?   Throughout the following we will examine those experiences and discuss various theories as they relate to the concepts of motivation, learning and the connection thereof.Motivation is by all means an awakening of our individual needs and desires.   Though its concept may be construed as vague, it is our needs that drive us to act and react through both internal and external stimuli.   Food, money, status and love can be determining factors in human motivation.   As such, ones motivation is relatively a manifestation of our experience and environment. (â€Å"Managerial Psychology†, 1989, pp. 22-35)Clinician A.H. Maslow (1954) believed such needs should be classified in terms of a hierarchy system defining different levels of needs.   As each need evolves and satisfaction is obtained a higher need will inevitably develop. Suffice to say, the concept of motivation must first occur before action or direction can be achieved.   By applying theory to real world instances, we can more readily understand the guiding forces that stir our motivations.We begin by examining the need a nd drives of individuals within a classroom setting.   What as students incites us to seek higher learning of that which was previously unknown?   Take for example, a student who undertakes second language learning.   Though at times such coursework may be required, more often than none it is the student who initiates the process and at the very least retains control over which language they choose to learn.The need can be induced by nothing more than the need to fulfill ones own goals and potential.   Maslow’s (1954) Self-Actualization Theory details how an individuals unique potential entices them to further develop their own capabilities.   (Buck, 1988, pp. 32-34)   A student may seek the knowledge gained by second language learning simply because the mastery of their primary language has been so great that they are confident in their abilities to achieve a far more superior challenge.The need for belonging may also play a key role in our motivations to set goa ls of second language learning.   Maslow (1954) concluded the absence of friends or family can guide how strongly our need for group placement overtakes our actions.   This type of motivation can become the single most important part of our life. (â€Å"Managerial Psychology†, 1989, p. 27)Individuals who find themselves, for whatever reason, residing in foreign locations may often incur problems with communication and development of new friendships because they are unfamiliar with the existing language.   For this reason, many who immigrate, work diligently to comprehend the language as determined by the inhabitants of their new geographic location and the need to fit within that group.Just as we find within the classroom, the workplace can also delegate various stimuli that prod our motivations.   Let us say that our employer offers us the opportunity to learn essential features of a new wireless communication service plan.   What influences our decision to accept the offer?   One theory states that motivation may arise out of the need for fulfillment of self-esteem issues.In other words, we desire attributes that lead to self-respect, respect of others, status, achievement, reputation and appreciation.   Discouraging this type of need, could lead an individual to experience feelings of inferiority and weakness. (â€Å"Managerial Psychology†, 1989, p. 27)   We may accept the opportunity set forth mainly as a means to gain recognition from our employer and co-workers.   In turn, such recognition may increase our chances at a higher status as viewed within the company.On the other hand, achievement alone can serve to propel us towards new endeavors.   According to McClelland’s (1988) Theory of Achievement Motivation, individuals with this type of need often overload themselves with difficult challenges yet their goals are obtainable.   These challenges are usually underscored by the need for feedback and assessment of their performance.   A prime example may be those individuals we stereotype as a â€Å"workaholics.†Ã‚   These individuals may be seen as the â€Å"movers and shakers† within their respective fields.   They are by all means, the employees who are known and relied upon to complete the tasks at hand and who are driven solely by their need for accomplishment.Once we have been stimulated by motivations the need must then be fulfilled.   The act of learning is inherent to us from the moment of birth provoking change that can be temporary or long term.   Through learning we seek to absorb the necessary knowledge that allows us to reach the desired result.   Learning may take on a wide range of forms and can be influenced by several factors including, but not limited to, social class, environment and of course motivation. (Howe, 1984, pp. 7-10)While the process of learning may differ between classroom and workplace, the act itself remains constant.   If we examine are previous examples of second language learning and the sale of wireless communication service plans, we can theorize as to which process may be best suited to each venture.Second language learning as with the majority of school learning requires the systematic approach of beginning first with basic comprehension and gradually increasing each subsequent level until the final objective is achieved.   As with motivation, we may associate a hierarchical process of learning with that of a classroom setting.The hierarchical aspects of learning set forth by Gagne (1970) are based on the idea that previous knowledge and experience influences future learning.   Thus, the learner must first acquire lesser skills before developing advanced capabilities.   (Howe, 1984, p. 11)   To simplify this theory, we can say a student though unfamiliar with the language at hand has already achieved the ability to understand concepts of phonetics, grammatical rule and sentence structure. By furt hering those concepts and advancing skill, the motivated student will eventually achieve fluency.Another theory suggests that there are three separate modes of learning known as Accretion, Structuring and Tuning. (Rumelhart & Norman, 1978)   Similar to aspects of hierarchy, Accretion combines new knowledge with previous experience.   Structuring allows new concepts to formulate, while Tuning thrives within a practical setting.   It is also noteworthy to mention that of all three modes, Tuning has the slowest turn around.   This most certainly is due generous amount of time needed to practice and hone learned skills.In more basic terms these modes can be viewed in the context of a generated mental cycle of acquisition, formulation and application.   As students we are taught from an early age that it is only by study and rote application of the knowledge that we will ultimately achieve success.  Ã‚   This is especially true in the sense of academics and the concept of sec ond language learning.In the workplace, the process of learning may vary somewhat from that of the classroom.   However different, the processes are undoubtedly relative to one another.   One theory we may equate with the workplace is the Experiential Learning Theory formulated by Rogers. (1996) Rogers theorized that through this classification of learning, the needs are addressed by gaining applied knowledge as opposed to academic knowledge and that such learning was synonymous with change and growth.This process of learning would include such qualities as personal involvement, self-initiation and pervasive effects to the learner.  Ã‚   We may choose to learn the product detail and how to sell a new wireless communication service plan simply because it is an area of great personal interest.   We may engage employment prospects solely for the benefit of fulfilling the need and yet we are further rewarding by putting into action all that we have learned.   Through employmen t not only do we obtain the skills necessary to achieve this goal, we are then able to put those skills into action.   Growth in this situation could be immense.A second theory that lends itself to the workplace is the Functional Context approach to learning.   (Sticht, 1988)   This theory bases itself primarily on the idea that previous knowledge facilitates new knowledge through association while emphasizing real life problem-solving and learning strategies.   Content of the instruction is delivered in such a way that it will be meaningful to the learner.Additionally, educational materials for this type of learning are generally designed for the learners’ reference once training has been completed.   Employment training classes are a good example of this theory.   Much like in Experiential Learning, we are given both the knowledge to succeed and the avenue in which to apply that knowledge.If we take for instance, an individual who has been employed by the same w ireless communications company for some time and that individual suddenly decides to change his/her position from administration to sales, it is safe to say they will in be required to attend additional training sessions.   Since the individual in all likelihood has already gained a considerable amount of knowledge pertaining to new company products and wireless communication plans, they will be able to associate their previous experience with the new concepts being instilled.In conclusion, while we may regard motivation and learning as two separate entities, their effects when combined cannot be diminished. As humans we are bombarded by stimuli that urge us to seek fulfillment of our awakened needs. Such needs make it possible us to determine our future goals and avoid stagnation.   Motivation and learning, for all intent and purpose, allows us to achieve those goals and to further our growth in both personal and professional terms.Reference ListBoje, D.M. & Leavitt, H.J. & Pon dy, L.R. (Eds.). (1989).   Motivation:   The Driving Force.   In Readings in Managerial Psychology (4th Ed.) (pp. 20-35).   Chicago:   Chicago Press, LTD.Buck, R. (1988).   Maslows Hierarchy of Motives. In Human Motivation and Emotion (2nd Ed.) (pp. 32-34).   New York:   John Wiley & SonsHowe, M.J.A. (1984).   Learning Takes Many Forms.   In A Teachers Guide to the Psychology of Learning (pp. 7-10).   Oxford:   Basil Blackwell, Inc.McClelland, D. (1988)   Human Relations Contributors.   Retrieved on November 17, 2006, from

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Psychology of a Serial Killer Essay

Abstract Serial killings are defined as â€Å"having three or more victims in as many locations and as different events with the killer having a ‘cool off’ between each attack† (Fox & Levin, 2005, p. 17). Serial killings also happen over a period of months or years with the killer leading a normal life in between. Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental process. â€Å"There are grounds for the point of view that serial killers act from a conscious perspective but are influenced by a variety of unconscious drives† (Holmes & Burger, 1988, p. 98). There are different views of what makes a serial killer, ranging from mental instability or defect to problematic and abusive childhoods. Looking at the murders, methods, victims, and motivations of three different serial killers received from coroner reports, witness accounts, and their own point of view provides an opportunity to see any similarities behind what drove them to kill. Psychology of a Serial Killer Jack the Ripper Considered one of the most infamous of the world’s serial killers, Jack the Ripper’s murder spree lasted from 1888 to 1892 in the East End of London. Also known as the Whitechapel Murderer, he attacked prostitutes during late night and early morning hours, mutilating his victims’ bodies with the skill of someone who knows basic anatomy. Jack the Ripper’s first known victim was Mary Nichols, a prostitute, who was found early in the morning in a gateway in Bucks Row, Whitechapel on 31 August 1888. â€Å"She was lying on her back with her legs straight out, skirts raised almost to her waist and throat slashed almost to the point of beheading† (Jones, 2010). His second victim was Annie Chapman, another prostitute, found 8 September 1888 in the backyard of 29 Hanbury Street at 6am. The official coroner report stated: The left arm was placed across the left breast. The legs were drawn up, the feet resting on the ground, and the knees turned outwards. The face was swollen and turned on the right side. The tongue protruded between the front teeth, but not beyond the lips. The tongue was evidently much swollen. The front teeth were perfect as far as the first molar, top and bottom and very fine teeth they were. The body was terribly mutilated†¦the stiffness of the limbs was not marked, but was evidently commencing. He noticed that the throat was dissevered deeply; that the incisions through the skin were jagged and reached right round the neck. On the wooden paling between the yard in question and the next, smears of blood, corresponding to where the head of the deceased lay, were to be seen. These were about 14 inches from the ground and immediately above the part where the blood from the neck was pooled. (Jones, 2010) Later, after the body was moved to the morgue, the autopsy conducted revealed Annie Chapman was missing her womb. The third victim was Elizabeth Stride on 30 September 1888. She was found at one in the morning in Dutfield Yard. Her throat was cut but, â€Å"she was lying on the ground as though quietly placed there† (Jones, 2010), obviously, one of Jack the Rippe r’s less horrific murders. Roughly forty-five minutes after finding Stride, the body of Catherine Eddowes was found in Mitre Square laying on her back, clothes thrown above her waist and her throat slit as well. Jack the Ripper’s fifth and supposedly final victim was Mary Kelly on 9 November 1888. She was found that morning at 10:45 in the morning in her room at Millers Court. The coroner report stated: The body was lying naked in the middle of the bed, the shoulders flat, but the axis of the body inclined to the left side of the bed. The head was turned on the left cheek. The left arm was close to the body with the forearm flexed at a right angle & lying across the abdomen. The right arm was slightly abducted from the body & rested on the mattress, the elbow bent & the forearm supine with the fingers clenched. The legs were wide apart, the left thigh at right angles to the trunk & the right forming an obtuse angle with the pubes. The whole of the surface of the abdomen & thighs was removed & the abdominal Cavity emptied of its viscera. The breasts were cut off, the arms mutilated by several jagged wounds & the face hacked beyond recognition of the features. The tissues of the neck were severed all round down to the bone. The viscera were found in various parts viz: the uterus & Kidneys with one breast under the head, the other breast by the Rt foot, the Liver between the feet, the intestines by the right side & the spleen by the left side of the body. The flaps removed from the abdomen and thighs were on a table. The bed clothing at the right corner was saturated with blood, & on the floor beneath was a pool of blood covering about 2 feet square†¦ The face was gashed in all directions the nose cheeks, eyebrows and ears being partly removed. The lips were blanched & cut by several incisions running obliquely down to the chin. There were also numerous cuts extending irregularly across all the features. (Jones, 2010) Police later found that at four in the morning, neighbors had heard muffled calls of murder but had ignored them believing them to be from a case of domestic violence. Little else is known of Jack the Ripper as he was never caught. Speculations about his identity range from the severely impoverished to the very wealthy, and suspects are being added to the list to this day. John Haigh A respectable, well dressed, middle-class man of the 1940’s, John Haigh was a depraved killer who frequently blamed his strict religious upbringing for his actions. He was raised in a purist and anti-clerical household where he was cut off from normal society and his only source of entertainment came from the Bible. According to Haigh’s father, the world was evil and a person who sinned became marked and evil. The fear of gaining such a mark caused Haigh to be terrified of doing anything wrong. â€Å"It is said that a turning point in the boy’s developing psyche came when Haigh realized that no such blemish would appear, despite having lied or committed some other questionable behavior. He then started to believe that he was invincible and could get away with anything† (UK, 2005-2011) thus causing Haigh to become a manipulating and compulsive liar. After leaving his parents’ home, Haigh became a salesman and took to illegal activities such as fraud that usually landed him in prison serving short sentences. Haigh’s first victim was from the McSwan Family, a family he had come to know well; he lived with them and worked for them before marrying the daughter later. September 1944, Haigh took Donald McSwan to his residence where he then killed him; â€Å"the murder was carefully planned – having bludgeoned his victim with a club (or a similar weapon); Haigh then destroyed the body in a vat of acid. When bone and flesh had been reduced to a sludge-like mess, he poured the gooey residue onto the dirt surface of an open yard behind the building† (John Haigh-Acid Bath Killer, n.d.) When Donald’s parents began asking Haigh about their son’s disappearance, he concocted a lie then lured them to his residence and disposed of them in the same fashion. He forged all their assets into his name and then promptly lost it gambling and began looking towards murder again. Haigh’s next victims were old retiree’s, Rosalie and Archibald Henderson that he met by acting as though he was going to buy a house from them. February 1948, he drove Dr. Henderson to his workshop where he shot him in the head and disposed of the body by dumping it into a vat of sulphuric acid. He then returned to Mrs. Henderson and told her that her husband had taken sick and needed her. She accompanied Haigh to his workshop where she met the same lethal fate as her husband. In both the McSwan and Henderson murders, Haigh emulated his victims’ handwriting and sent notes to their servants, relatives and friends; he explained that they had moved to Australia or some other distant place, mentioning that ‘Mr. Haigh’ would settle their affairs. (John Haigh-Acid Bath Killer, n.d.) Haigh gained a substantial amount of money from the Henderson’s which he again lost to gambling. Haigh found and killed his next victim on 18 February 1949. Mrs. Durand-Deacon accompanied him to the Gloucester Road address. As soon as she entered the basement premises, Haigh shot her in the back of the head, killing her instantly. He stripped her and dumped her body into a 40-gallon vat of sulphuric acid. Haigh drained the receptacle through a basement sewer; afterwards, he scraped the sludge from the vat and dumped this onto the dirt of the back yard. This was hard work and Haigh, according to his later statements, paused to go to the nearby Ye Olde Ancient Prior’s Restaurant where he ate an egg on toast. He then returned to his workshop to â€Å"tidy up†. (John Haigh-Acid Bath Killer, n.d.) This would be the murder that got him caught. Haigh decided to play the concerned citizen since his latest victim was so close to home so he approached her closet friend, Mrs. Lane, and asked about Mrs. Durand -Deacon. After replying that the friend had thought Mrs. Durand-Deacon had left with him, Haigh quickly denied the accusation. The following day, he asked the same question to Mrs. Lane who decided to report the disappearance to the police. Haigh accompanied her to the police station to navigate suspicion away from himself, but one police officer preformed a background investigation on Haigh and because of what he saw became suspicious. Haigh was arrested and sentenced to death regardless of his claims and demonstrations of insanity. Jesse H. Pomeroy â€Å"The Boy Fiend, Jesse Pomeroy, is the youngest convicted serial killer in history† (Wilhiem, 2010). Starting with a troubled childhood due to a birth defect, Pomeroy was the subject of ridicule among his peers and his father couldn’t stand the sight of him and would viciously beat him when angry before his mother chased him off. It was stated that; Jesse was an intelligent boy, if somewhat anti-social. He would not join the other boys in baseball games or other athletic pursuits, but he was fond of playing ‘scouts and Indians’ where he would invariably be an Indian and devise elaborate imaginary tortures for captive scouts (Wilhiem, 2010). Pomeroy’s mother was the first to notice something was wrong with her son after finding the heads twisted off her parakeets’ heads. The start of Pomeroy’s decent into murder began in Boston with Billy Paine who was found beaten in an outhouse. Soon after the police found Tracy Hayden in the same outhouse where â€Å"He was tied, stripped naked, and whipped across the back. The boy hit him in the face with a board, breaking his nose and knocking out two teeth. Then he threatened to cut off Tracy’s penis† (Wilhiem, 2010). Pomeroy’s third victim was Robert Maier who withstood the same brutal treatment. Chelsea police interviewed hundreds of boys but received no leads. Rumors began to circulate about the description of the killer and the picture people portrayed were that of the devil. Pomeroy was named â€Å"The Boy Torturer† after stripping and beating Johnny Balch. Pomeroy’s mother, suspected her son, and moved to South Boston with her family where the assaults continued only more often and more inhumane. â€Å"On August 17, seven-year-old George Pratt was abducted and wa s not just flogged. This time the abductor stuck a needle in his arm and his groin, and bit chunks of flesh from his face and buttocks† (Wilhiem, 2010). Pomeroy began using a knife to stab his victims repeatedly before attempting to cut off their genitalia. Robert Gould was the eighth victim and able to give police a useful description of his assailant. The parents of Gould refused to allow him to be escorted around to identify his attacker, and police were forced to ask Pomeroy’s seventh victim, Joseph Kennedy, who was then shown around the local schools and even came face to face with Pomeroy and was unable to identify him as the killer. That day, after school, for reasons Jesse was never able to explain, he went to the police station. Seeing Joseph Kennedy there, he quickly turned and left the station, but a policeman followed him out and brought him back. Now, looking closer, young Joseph saw the white eye and identified Jesse as his torturer. Jesse was held in a cell overnight and was persuaded to confess. The next day all of the victims identified him as their attacker. Jesse, then 12 years old, was sentenced to the reformatory, ‘for the term of his minority’ – a period of six years. (Wilhiem, 2010) Pomeroy acted as though he was better within the reformatory and seventeen months after his arrest, Pomeroy was placed on probation and set free. â€Å"March 18, 1874, 10-year-old Katie Curran left her home to buy a notebook for school and never returned. She was last seen entering Mrs. Pomeroy’s store. Everyone in the neighborhood knew Jesse’s history and the Corrans feared the worst.† (Wilhiem, 2010) At the police station Captain Dyer assured Mrs. Curran that Jesse could not be involved—he had been completely rehabilitated; besides he was only known to attack little boys. â€Å"Katie’s father was a Catholic and reflecting the attitudes of the time; local rumors said he sent her to a convent† (Wilhiem, 2010). Thirty-six days later a little boy, Horace Millen, was seen walking toward the wharf. Later that day Millen’s body was found half naked on the beach; he was stabbed multiple times in the chest, almost beheaded and half castrated. Pomeroy was the first person to come to the police chief’s mind upon hearing about the murders, but he quickly dismissed it on the assumption that Pomeroy was still in the reformatory, his men quickly corrected the assumption and were ordered to arrest Pomeroy. Pomeroy denied all charges, even when confronted with forensic evidence, until he was taken to see the dead body of Millen where â€Å"He admitted he killed Horace, something made him do it. He was sorry and wanted to leave. He told the policemen: ‘Put me somewhere, so I can’t do such things’† (Wilhiem, 2010). Pomeroy’s mother’s business suffered due to the recent events with her son, and she was forced to sell to a grocery chain. During renovations the decomposing body of Katie Curran was found under a heap of ashes and was only identifiable from her clothing. Pomeroy’s mother and brother were arrested for murder but were cleared by Pomeroy confessing to Curran’s murder after interrogation. Later, Pomeroy claimed to have only admitted guilt to save his mother. Pomeroy’s lawyers fought for the insanity plea but were denied because prosecution proved he knew right from wrong, Pomeroy was proven guilty for first degree murder at the age of 16 and sentenced to life in prison. Conclusion Looking at all three killers penchant for mutilating their victims’ bodies, the almost randomness in choosing of their victims, and the childhoods of at least two of the killers, mental trauma sustained during adolescence played a large part in the decline into becoming killers where they took the atrocities they viewed or had been done to them and focused them on their victims as a form of control and improper coping. Unfortunately, in the case of Jack the Ripper, we cannot look into his childhood and compare it to that of Pomeroy or Haigh, but we can deduce that with his choosing of female prostitutes and his horrific mutilation of them, he was traumatized as a child by his mother whether it was because she herself was a prostitute and he often saw her in-coitus with her customers or his mother was extremely controlling like that of the mother of Ed Gein, and after her death, possibly caused by him, he started reaching out and punishing her over and over again using local pr ostitutes as the subjects of his disdain. Pomeroy’s abuse and actions against his victims were a reflection of his father’s actions upon him that, as a way of control, he chose victims younger and smaller than himself to take control of the situation that he couldn’t at home; in essence, he was abusing himself for not being able to do anything against his own father. Haigh, though having an abusive and extremely volatile childhood, did not kill or choose his victims out of anything other than financial gain. Looking at his case files, we see the pattern that after he gambled away the profits of his previous killings he would then find new ‘prey’ to lure into his killing trap. His attempts at pleading insanity fell through because of his pattern of choosing only wealthy or profitable victims that benefitted him in the end and elevated his status. Applying criminological theory to these serial killers is possible, but narrowing their actions to just one is impossible. Some would say that Pomeroy was showing differential association and he had learned his behavior from his father or that strain could apply to both him and Haigh, though Haigh’s was from a financial stand point rather than from an inability to cope with his father beating him. Jack the Ripper is the only killer who would be difficult to apply any theory to with as little as we know of him or his childhood. References David Lester, P. (1995). Serial Killers: The Insatiable Passion. Philadelphia: Charles Press Publishers, Inc. Fox, J. A., & Levin, J. (2005). Extreme Killing: Understanding Serial and Mass Murder. Thousand Oaks, London, New Delhi: Sage Publications, Inc. Holmes, R. M., & Burger, J. D. (1988). Serial Murder. London: Sage Publications, Inc. John Haigh-Acid Bath Killer. (n.d.). Retrieved from Jones, R. (2010). Jack The Ripper: History, Victims, Letters, Suspects. Retrieved from Jack The Ripper History: Pomeroy, J. (2002). Autobiography of Jesse H. Pomeroy. Retrieved from UK, A. (2005-2011). Bibliography- John Haigh: The Acid bath Murderer on Crime and Investigation Network. Retrieved from CRIME FILE – Famous criminal: John Haigh: The Acid Bath Murderer : hn-haigh-the-acid-bath-murderer/biography.html Wilhiem, R. (2010, August 7). Jesse Pomeroy: â€Å"Boy Fiend†. Retrieved from Murder By Gaslight:

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Alternate Forms of Assessment for Special Population Research Paper

Alternate Forms of Assessment for Special Population - Research Paper Example Community provides what such students expect in real world. For instances a minor should be ready to be put in a normal school setting, the playground and home; on the other hand, an adult should be put in a grown-up setting like a bank, a store or an office. Gauging such a student’s skill in every perspective from educational to physical outdoor skills. Any skill that requires integration. For instance, assessing personal and social skills individually from independence and liability would create room for redundant effort, and potentially resulting in reinforced focus on isolated skills. The embracing of continuous keeping of records for such students at all stages. Such a method would result in more accurate and reliable progressive or retrogressive efforts on the part of the student. Those students with severe hurdles have a higher variability in their skills from those without disabilities or minute disabilities on a daily basis. As such, seasonal skills could only be visi ble with time. The institutions dealing with such students should include, as a mandatory measure, supports and adaptations, and train the students to use them. The school system should avail devices, trained personnel and any other necessary support to enable the learners to function as independently as possible. Such a recommendation has been proved worthy in practice in Kentucky in that it drives effective school and classroom practice (Kleinert, Kennedy, & Kearns, 1999). On a personal note, of the above suggestion, I would be of a higher degree of agreement with number (ii). In a situation whereby an individual is disadvantaged, there always is the possibility of his/her worth in other life sphere. Just like it is said that disability is not inability, it has been proven over time that individuals with physical or mental challenges could still have a great unexploited talent. For instance, in Olympics there is the Paralympics category. There also are the Special Olympics for phy sically and mentally challenged athletes. The Most Beneficial Recommendations Recommendation number (IV) would be much realistic and would bear much expected positive results without having to continuously strain for such results. It would be highly ignorant when there is a standard meant to be attained in terms of result over a given period. Only those individuals who possess a high degree of irresponsibility and inhumane nature would set a goal for a disabled individual and not provide an environment that would make such a goal either realistic or easily achievable for such an individual. Assessing Students with Cognitive Disabilities In as far as dealing with a challenged student is concerned, there should exist laid down and visible lucrative incentives in the society for them and this could be achieved only when they compete with the other not challenged individuals. It should not just be in sports but also intellectually. Disabled individuals who achieve such targets, for exam ple, a very lucrative and well paying job in the society, act as role models and inspirations to the others. Zatta's article on Alternate Assessment for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities :Implication for Educators, would be best to be termed as a much sought educational tool needed by any reformist wanting to transform the way the significantly cognitive disabled students are assessed and

Friday, September 27, 2019

Are international organisations sufficiently accountable Essay

Are international organisations sufficiently accountable - Essay Example human rights violations and the accountability of both the United Nations and the role of the related states are those complex challenges that make it necessary for critically assessing the role and negligence of the United Nations and its accountability relating to the gross violations of human rights are those issues that must be understood by keeping in view the jurisdiction of the international law and its different provisions relating to such cases in the international and regional conflicts. In the following parts of this paper, first the concept of accountability has been defined and discussed. In this part, various definitions of explanations by keeping in view the international law have been detailed. Subsequently, Along with this topic, the application of accountability concept to the United Nations has also been detailed. In this part, how the UN has failed to remain accountable for its activities and role in the conflict zones, such as Iraq, Afghanistan and Ukraine war, have severely damaged the perception of the UN as an international institution providing and protecting the human rights globally. Before the conclusion part, two cases studies, Somalia and the Kosovo war, have been critically discussed and analysed as well. Accountability is a highly controversial legal term and represents a legal dilemma.1 Accountability has not been properly defined and explained by the legal experts. Even if some legal authors have explained this concept with certain jurisdictions, others do not agree with it and remain critical of that definition and explanation. In this regard, it is important to further describe the term legal dilemma. For example, the international law and national legal law have different perspectives on certain issues as they have different stakeholders. More specifically, some countries legalise marijuana whereas the international law strong discourage and disallow such items as they are harmful for health. Under this situation, any

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Cold war Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Cold war - Essay Example is of cold war and it led to worsening of economy in Europe and decline of Soviet Union, cutting of military spending, spending millions by the US, and depression among others (Taylor 78). McCarthyism is the political practice employed to create distrust and disloyalty about the communists without having any real tangible evidence leading to accusations (Taylor 127). People lost their jobs because of teaching about communism, education taught negatively about communism, freedom of speech of the communists was curtailed as well as producing movies portraying negatively about communism. Relationship between nations continued to chill. The cold war spread to other nations such as Berlin, Korea and Vietnam which were divided into two one controlled by US and the other by Russia leading to internal war and a nations destroying its own people a war initiated by the two super powers. The aftermath of the cold war was the destruction of Vietnam, separation of Korea and the war between the North and South as well as tearing of the Berlin

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Scottich Dolphin Centre, Spey Bey, Moray Assignment

Scottich Dolphin Centre, Spey Bey, Moray - Assignment Example There is diversity in the types of experiences. Whereas the only aspect that that all of the tourism experiences or products share is their inclusion of the element of wildlife, discussion and the labelling of the wildlife tourism, as a separate class of tourism turning out to be more and more common (ARLUKE, and SANDERS, 1996). The development of wildlife and marine tourism has been as a response to the increasing number of the individuals who seek to combine the efforts of conservation with their time offs or retreats. In the last few decades, there has been a rising demand for tourism which is inclusive of the features of the natural environment and really promotes but not destroying the natural environment (BATTEN, 2009). Marine and tourism has some aspects and one such aspect is making sure that this kind of tourism an actual interaction with the nature is encouraged whereas championing the efforts of conservation in the region. This puts the consumer in a better position of acc omplishing their desired vacation experience whereas the natural environment is not interfered with at all as it continues to flourish. This kind of tourism actually draws inferences from various areas that are outside of the sector of tourism. Bringing the ideas or concepts of the various areas of research is what gives a good experience of wildlife tourist. Wild Scotland is among the most fundamental agencies or departments for the Scottish wildlife and marine tourism (WEAVER, 2007). The Wild Scotland is a none-profit making organization that offers the tourists the opportunities of getting involved with the wildlife together with activity holidays with the experts in the area. The organization was established in the year 2003, and then came to incorporate the Activity Scotland in the year 2011. Since the incorporation, it now includes all of the responsible nature tourism present in the country. According to the organization, they have an understanding of nature tourism as a comm ercial undertaking that should be well taken care of; that is environmentally, economically as well as ecologically to continue being in a position of providing future nature tourism in the country (WILKERSON, 2009). This is also same with some other organizations that are concerned with matters wildlife and marine tourism worldwide. One of the countries that lead in the provision of marine and wildlife tourism is Australia. This is particularly true because the country has some exceptional species that cannot be found easily anywhere else in the world (VEAL, 2006). However, what make the nature tourism to be successful in the country is the efforts made by the government, good and proper conservation and marketing. There are some parks in the country that keep the highly rare and species that are endangered, and these are in high demand by the tourists who travel from different parts of the world just to come and see (HENNING, 2009). This implies that these species are given the be st possible care, thus giving the tourists the chance of being able to view something very unique that they cannot find easily in their countries or any other parts of the world. This is something that the tourism industry of Scotland can actually learn for the purposes of future development of the industry. This can really be done by putting a lot of stress on the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Talent Acquisition within Aviation Industry Essay

Talent Acquisition within Aviation Industry - Essay Example The present research has identified that an effective talent acquisition model should focus on identification of recruitment gaps, suggest means of overcoming recruitment gaps, analyse talent acquisition strategy adopted by a company, determine the cost of talent acquisition, and analyse the impact of talent acquisition in a company. Talent acquisition model should also determine the flexibility of talent acquisition in a company. This should occur along with change management and execution of various strategies adopted in the company. This provides room for human resource management of the company to make the necessary adjustments in their talent acquisition strategies. The analysis of Talent Acquisition Model will aid in answering research questions. The model will be applied in the selected aviation industry companies. Talent Acquisition Model aids in identification of challenges and needs of talent acquisition in a company. The model identifies recruitment gaps, as well as identi fying means of addressing the recruitment gaps. According to Sluis, talent management in an organization is crucial in order to ensure that the organization has the potential to accomplish its anticipated goals and objectives. Organization talent management focuses on utilization of skills effectively. Most of multinational organizations focus on talent recruitment at a global scene. However, this recruitment strategy has been impacted by liberalizations policies.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Attacks on national security through the use of Internet and computers Research Paper

Attacks on national security through the use of Internet and computers - Research Paper Example America like countries are currently tightening security measures against information warfare. Information warfare (IW) is normally classified into two groups; IW without using physical force during peace time and IW with physical force during military wars. Now the important question is whether information warfare without physical force can be labelled as warfare or not. This paper tries to answer this question. Approximately two years ago, IW was used to disrupt the transfer of money from one arm of a Middle Eastern terrorist group to another. This terrorist financiers bank account was covertly broken into and the money was diverted. In a similar move at the beginning of the Kosovo conflict, methods were discussed and approved to put pressure on President Milosevic; these included tampering with or breaking into his bank accounts and disrupting his personal communications (Church, 2000). From the above details, it is evident that IW can be used to cause immense economic damage to a country even during peace time. As mentioned earlier, it is difficult for the victim country to identify the source of attack and take preventive measures against cyber-attacks or IW. Computer networks are connected globally and it is easy for advanced countries to attack enemy targets without causing any human casualties. Trained computer professionals can break all the firewalls and cause immense financial damages in the enemy countries. Even though there are plenty of international laws against military wars, these laws are inapplicable in the case of IW. In other words, the present cyber laws are incapable to handle anonymous attacks. Cyber warfare will involve disruption of crucial network services and data, damage to critical infrastructure, and the creation of uncertainty and doubt among opposing commanders and political leaders. Cyber-attack provides an ability to strike both tactical and strategic targets from a distance using inexpensive

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Unemployment and Poverty in Interwar Britain Essay Example for Free

Unemployment and Poverty in Interwar Britain Essay To interpret the interwar years of the British took a lot of different views according to the statuesque of one person in the comparison. It is precisely depending on topics, to some extent of interest. Perhaps in focus of economic depression of the interwar brought the period of worst turning point in Welsh history, at which it is the region of Britain that experience the height levels of levels of unemployment and greatest degree of poverty.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The wars brought a great impact to the nation status like economic and political condition. During war time people suffers a lot of agony. Many people like for example, the Liverpool dockworker, writers, political activist like George Garret and George Orwell, the historians shared opinions of the existing war of British, â€Å"Orwell vision is symbolic of traditional view of British society between the wars† (Orwell, George, Boston, 2000.1). With these Orwell’s vision, many argued and did not agree. This is the reason why must Historians never content with traditional views.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Historians interpretation of interwar Britain have not, therefore, completely changed views of   this period but it gave them a more complex and realistic understanding through. That is why; historian sees that Orwell is only one sided and did not tell the whole truth. Historians tried to see the contradiction of the age – â€Å"with poverty and affluence, underemployment but also new expanding industries† (   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   I think the reason why Liverpool dockworker, writer, and political activist did not like George Orwell’s book since it is biased. He does not reveal the true scenery of what was the true picture of the conditions during those interwar days.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Noting in the past of the dockworker who suffered from â€Å"under schooled, under housed, under paid, under cared for an almost respects and with no reasonable hope of betterment, from an Old Etopian† (, the most rich and powerful at that time. On the part of writer they do analyze and make assumptions that there is no doubt why poverty still exists at that time. These were the pessimistic accounts among literally men social investigator somewhat like a political activist like George Garret and John Lehman.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Looking back history, during the time at which at first glance look at England those days where peace still exist, it is unusual of foreign people to see English people in existence to the country. It is also said that the accent referred by Americans as â€Å"the English Accent†, is not common to almost all people at that time. Even movies and other advertisement dealt with hostile or friendly, nearly all generalizations made about England during that based on the property owning class. It was most overpowered by people who have had a great and big investment. The truth is that people was ruin by other people who just came bringing wealth just to ruin the country. In fact, the book wrote by George Orwell doesn’t reveal the fact about England those days. Actually the book titled: The Road of Wigan Pier does not reveal much about the actual situation of the society those days. Its is said that â€Å" It is worth trying for a moment to put oneself in the position of foreign observer, new England , but unprejudiced, and able because of his work, to keep in touch with ordinary people , useful unspectacular people†( Orwell, George. 2000. Pp. 1.)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Garret mean to what he says, â€Å"That it( The Road of Wigan Pier)†appears to be left book since it is just nothing to revealed the fact of what is really happening. It does not give factual information but just hide the things going wrong on the matter. Garret judge the book as junk one. References: Orwell, George. The Collected Essays, Journalism and Letters of George Orwell. Vol. 3. Boston. 2000. Page 1.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Peace and Free

Peace and Freedom Essay General accounts that place the American combat experience in the broader context of the 1918 campaign can be found in literature. Authors provide sound overviews of the AEFs European combat experience. Accounts of specific battles contain an excellent general description of the Marine combat experience on the Western Front. Perhaps influenced by recent trends in military history, many authors have attempted to come to grips with the wars impact on the individual soldier. Authors look at the Armys treatment of its black soldiers and of those soldiers reactions. There are also more detailed works on the black experience. They provide a fine general account of the African-American experience in the U. S. military. At the same time historians focused on the very important role women played at home. In The Women and the Warriors, Carrie Foster looks at the early history of the Womens International League for Peace and Freedom. He finds that its experience during the World War I greatly shaped its view of the world and the strategies it pursued during this period. The important scholarship on women during the war challenges the traditional interpretation of the war as, on the whole, a liberating experience for women. For historians are important local studies, focusing on official policy toward women and workers in general. There is also the psychosocial impact of the war on gender relations. What happens when the men come home is described by historians. Historians investigated also the history of industrial workers. They focused on the militarization of labor and on the relations among union leaders, capitalists, and military authorities. Historians covered labyrinthine administrative arrangements that economic mobilization engendered and trade union organization. Recent scholarship on the working class in wartime features a great many local studies. The history of daily life among civilians during the World War I has been investigated chiefly via local case studies. Many historians propose that the experience of the war on the home front often came down to â€Å"steel and turnips†Ã¢â‚¬â€ever-increasing demands for work and â€Å"efficiency, † and less and less to eat in the bargain. It almost goes without doubt that a disproportionate number of those undergoing these experiences were women and children. Some writers focus on the ideological impact of war work for the womens movement and consider the related issue of â€Å"pronatalism† as an element of wartime mentality. As to the children for whom working women continued to care, historians have studied the day-to-day life of those still in school and considered youth movements within the middle class. One social group of importance to both women and children was doctors. The relationship of both politicians and soldiers with the press has drawn a number of scholars. They have concentrated upon the issue of control and censorship touching on both censorship and ownership. The press was naturally an instrument for propaganda. The impact of theatre, photography, the infant cinema and, especially, the pioneering wartime film has been the subject of detailed consideration. Today the World War I is in modern memory as an incredible experience of our parents and grandparents. Its places of battles are partially preserved. Its equipment and accoutrements exhibited in museums. A balanced account of the entire period is captured in excellent historical works that always will be read with curiosity and amazement, as well as a growing understanding. References Coffman, Edward M. (1968). The War to End All Wars: The American Military Experience in World War I. New York: Oxford. Foster, Carrie A. (1995). The Women and the Warriors: The U. S. Section of the Womens International League for Peace and Freedom, 1915-1946. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press. Kreidberg, Marvin A., and Merton G. Henry. (1955). History of Military Mobilization in the United States Army, 1775-1945. Washington, DC: Department of the Army. Perret, Geoffrey. (1989). A Country Made by War: From Revolution to Vietnam—The Story of Americas Rise to Power. New York: Random House. Plaschka, Richard Georg, Horst Haselsteiner, and Arnold Suppan. (1974). Innere Front: Militarassistenz, Widerstand und Umsturz in der Donaumonarchie, Vienna. Weigley, Russell F. (1973). The American Way of War: A History of United States Military Strategy and Policy. New York: Macmillan.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Tourist Motivation to Travel

Tourist Motivation to Travel Tourist motivations are important factors in understanding tourist behaviour in relation to destination choice and motivation relates to the needs, goals and preference of the tourists. In many tourism motivations are recognized as starting point in order to understand tourist behaviours (Crompton, 1979). Motivations have also been seen as a tool to segment tourism market. According to Backman (1995) motivations are associated with individual basic needs for participating, for instance in activities. Today, motivation tourism is the popular topic in research. The most one popular typology of tourist motivation is Cromptons (1979) push and pull model which emphasizes that tourists choice of a travel destination is influenced by two forces. Push factors that push individuals from home, and pull factors that pull individuals toward a destination. In other words, people are traveling because they are pushed by their internal motives and pulled by external forces of a travel destination ( Lam and Hsu, 2006). It has been stated that most push factors derive from individuals intangible or intrinsic desires, such as desire for escape, adventure seeking, dream fulfilment, novelty seeking, rest and relaxation, health and fitness, prestige, and socialization (Chon, 1989). The Plearn Wan (Hua Hin) is the first Eco Vintage Village in Thailand. The Plearn Wan village has been established on about three rai site at Phetkasem Road, Hua Hin between soi Hua Hin 38 and 40 opposite Klai Kangwon Palace of King Rama VII. The Eco Vintage Village recaptures the old elegance and classic charm of the old in Hua Hin. Plearn Wan is on an open lawn area with a two-storey wooden building around the village. It reminds a live museum and the vintage settings is based on the villages of previous generations. Plearn Wan aims to be a center for people to learn and experience Hua Hins of the past. Plearn Wans village is environmentally friendly and use recycled paper wrap and containers. The most of all employees live in the adjacent community. Plear nWan provides an elevator for the elderly and a slope for people with disabilities in response to the concept of free space for everyone. At Plearn Wan village there is restaurant, coffee shop, clothes shop, candy shop and liquor shop from the past. There is plenty of opportunity to take nice photos and buy souvenirs. At weekends there is an open air cinema. On a busy weekend Plearn Wan village is visited several thousands of people. This has become one of the main Hua Hins attractions. The entrance to Plearn Wan village is free of charge. The most of tourists go to visit in the village because they need to think about the part when they was young. This research focuses on the tourist motivation and activities related to the destinations in Plearn Wan in Hua Hin. Based on the reasons that why the tourists interested in Plearn Wan, Hua Hin more than that they go to aboard or shopping in the luxury department stores. Plearn Wan is a new destination attraction in Hua Hin, the tourists can enjoy on behalf of the center of happiness place where times stopped in the past. Moreover the design of village shops made from wood, that can make tourist feel in the 2499 again. Plearn Wan Village, in order to retain to the tourists motivation and developing for interesting place. Clear title of project : Tourist Motivation and Attraction : A case study of the Plearn Wan Eco Vintage Village in Hua Hin. Concise statement of research problem : The concept of Plearn Wan Eco Vintage Village is the old style, also the materials and equipment for the built and construction not enough because it hard to find the same things in order. Such as furniture, vase, plate, bowl, lamp and many things to decorate in the village. From this reason, Plearn Wan Eco Vintage Village has develop and create new things successively to the tourist attraction. Project objective : The objective from this research are: To analyze the roles of motivation in tourists decision making to visit Plearn Wan. To measure the tourists that satisfy and need to revisit in Plearn Wan. Conceptual Framework : Tourists Characteristics Gender Age Nationality Occupation Tourist Expectation Eco Vintage Village in Thailand Tourists satisfaction/dissatisfaction Result Analysis Strategy to Develop Tourists Motivation And Further Research The scope and definition of the study : This research will occur in Plearn Wan Eco Vintage Village, Hua Hin. The questionnaire provided by information counter in front the village. Also the staff or student will give it to the tourists when they free. This research focused on tourist motivation in this place and satisfaction to shops inside and need to revisit in this village next times. Tourist : a person who visit in Plearn Wan Eco Vintage Village, Hua Hin. Assumptions : all of tourist that go to visit in Plearn Wan Village. Tourist are majority in this village. The satisfaction and need to revisit in this place again. Limitations : time frame is one of the limitation for this research, it is a short period of time to collect data for the research. The questionnaire will translated to 2 languages, Thai and English only because its international language. In questions, which result to the tourist motivation include the satisfaction or disatisfaction in this place. Background : Plearn Wan is the first Eco Vintage Village in Thailand. It has been established under the business ideology. The site about three rai located on Phetkasem road, Hua Hin, Prachuap Kiri Khun Province. Plearn Wan was actually created under the concept of live museum and perceived in visitors a real community or place allowing people to spend the good times together. This village designed in an open lawn area with a two storey wooden building around a green grass median and have its vintage setting and decorations closed to the villages of previous generation. Literature review : Tourist motivation is the major factor to success in tourism industries. Push and pull theory has already become the effective method to study tourist motivation (Dann ,1977). For a long time, the academic circles pay much attention to the Push and Pull force factors of travel destination. The tourist motivation and activities is important for destinations to understand leisure tourist destination choice (Moscardo,1996). Motivation has been referred to as psychological, biological, social needs and wants, including internal (or emotional) and external forces (Chon, 1989). The successful of destination depend on the motivation and attraction in the place. Also it can increased tourist come to travel and visit it effected to market share stronger economic (Lewis,1993). The concept of motivation and attraction result the fact that tourists satisfaction at destination. Destination marketing is the possibilities of arranging more tourism activities. The regional cooperation needs to be further coordinated and more marketing efforts and investment is required. For Plearn Wan Eco Vintage Village, it would be better to emphasize the variety of village offers rather than the different style, since motives vary more between different types of village than between different regions. Tourists are persons seeking satisfying leisure experiences on trip away from home. This means a search for nuclear elements of attractions that individuals can experience in person. The tourists psychology reveal that they are motivated by a wide range of needs. These might included the need for rest, relaxation, novelty, education, regression, or prestige. Today, Plearn Wan Eco Vintage Village is a new beautiful place that motivate tourist visitor (Berger, Arthur, 1993). Destination development becomes an important issue in tourism studies. Understanding tourism motivation and activities will help destinations improve their products and services. Not only enhance the quality of products, more importantly is to be aware of the exact needs of target tourists and where the main tourist markets area. The principal motivation for a business or region to serve tourist are generally economic. An individual business is interested primarily in its own revenues and costs, while a community or region in concerned with tourisms overall contribution to the economy, as well as its social and environmental impact. A good understanding of tourisms economic impacts is therefore important for tourism industry, government officials and community Nowadays, in the are of motivation and attraction to destination become to many research. Only few studies concentrate on examining the motivations and profiles of health and wellbeing tourists. Some studies have focused on different sub-sectors, such as spa tourists, yoga tourists or spiritual tourists (Lehto, 2006). For Plearn Wan Eco Vintage Village focused on the old live style building that can make the tourists feel like they was young because in village decorated shop and sell the products from the past. Also tourist never see in this day before but they can find and by it to collect in this place. Moreover, tourisms economic impacts are therefore and important consideration in state, regional and community planning and economic development. Economic impacts are also important factors in marketing and management decision. Communities therefore need to understand the relative importance of tourism to their region, including tourisms contribution to economic activity in the area . The uncertain market for tourism in Plearn Wan Eco Vintage Village means that visitor attraction must work hard to understand what the tourists wanted and then improving and developing to the best attraction and motivated the tourist need to visit. The motivations are connected to individuals basic needs for participating diverse activities, developing preferences, and expecting satisfaction. The motivations of wellbeing and wellness activities, purchasing wellbeing and wellness products and services or participating in wellbeing holiday are also connected to customers needs and interests (Backman , 1995). Plearn Wan has been set the method to improve to be better and interesting to tourists destination choice for travel and relax on the weekend. The quality of the environment, both natural and man-made are essential to tourism. However, tourisms relationship with the environment is complex. It involves many activities that can have adverse environmental effects. Many of these impacts are linked with the construction of general infrastructure such as roads and airports, and of tourism facilities, including resorts, hotels, restaurants, shops, golf courses and marinas. The negative impacts of tourism development can gradually destroy the environmental resources on which it depends. On the other hand, tourism has the potential to create beneficial effects on the environment by contributing to environmental protection and conservation. It is a way to raise awareness of environmental values and it can serve as a tool to finance protection of natural areas and increase their economic importance. Environment nearby a tourism destination interrelate with tourism action happening in the Plearn Wan Eco Vintage Village. A change in whichever environment can change the pattern of tourism. As follow : Political : There are several concerns to consider that affecting in tourism the other state political people are making the small thing to a large extent and they are making the public in to troubles these impacts have a serious impact on the travel and tourism industry, leading to increased business failures demise of certain destinations. Climate : is obviously important for tourism, many tourists find it to have a high change of sunny and warm weather at their holiday destination, in order to relax by swimming, sun bathing and sight seeing in foreign place. For the global tourism industry, climate change bring more risks than opportunities. There will be regional and seasonal shifts in tourist flows resulting in both winners. However, it is undoubted that the tourism will continue to be a growth sector and despite the challenge of climate change. In Plearn Wan Eco Vintage Village is friendly with environment because it building around green grass median and designed buildings by wood. The effective manager must not only have very good knowledge of the region where they are personally based, but the should also from their own are which are linked to it insignificant itineraries. Managers become more competent, tourism boards more effective on their expenditure, marketer target and researchers deliver and insightful analysis. Further analysis is required to understand the tourism system of certain type of tourism. Also A Whole Tourism System is useful in analyzing in tourism industry to successful in each destination (Leiper, 1995). Data required : The data required for this research are the tourist satisfaction or dissatisfaction in the destination. This research based on the tourist motivation and attraction in the destination choice. Theory related on Push and pull factor in order and analyze the data. Plearn Wan Eco Vintage Village, Hua Hin internal data, such as background information and activities in the village, are necessary for better educating and understanding. Data source : The data source in this research divided by two parts, the first data is which collect from the tourist directly and the secondary collect from shop owner in Plearn Wan Eco Vintage Village, and from the literature review, such as theories, book, and journal. Data collection technique : Researcher will random simple the method for selecting the sample that present the population. Questionnaire will be used as instrument to collect the data from Plearn Wan Village tourists who Visit in this place. Questionnaire is one of the most commonly use for data collection in research (Veal,2005). The reasons for using questionnaire are that it has less disturb to tourist or visitor than other method, as well as, it is the quickest way to collect the data with in the time limitation of this research. In this research, the questionnaire will be translated to 2 languages, Thai and English only because in this destination is new attraction in Hua Hin that is not know well in foreigner. The questionnaire will be given to tourists and visitors checking at the front of village and ask the question when they free or checking out. Moreover the use of the Internet has also become a valuable tool to collect, capture, and share information from different sources. Internet provides many capabilities, including the capability to transfer data files electronically. Large amounts of data can be transferred from one location to another in a matter of seconds. This capability can imp rove the timeliness of obtaining information necessary to support organizational performance measurement analyses. Many books and manuals are available that provide information on use of internet. Data analysis : In this research, data will be analyzed using descriptive-Inferential statistic and SPSS computer system(Statistic Package for the Social Science). Berger, Arthur, 1993 Vietnam Tourism/Arthur Asa Berger, Retrieved from : Dann,, G. M. (1977) Anomie ego-enhancement and tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 4 (4), 184-194. Dann,, G. M Backman, K.F., Backman, S.J., Uysal, M., Sunshine, K.M., 1995. Event tourism: an examination of motivations and activities. Festival Management and Event Tourism 3 (1), 15- 24. Crompton, J.L., 1979. Motivations for pleasure vacation. Annals of Tourism Research 6 (4), 408-424. Crompton, J.L.1993 Economic impact analysis : Myths and misapplication Trends 30 : P 9 Chon, K.S., 1989. Understanding recreational travelers motivation, attitudes, and satisfaction. The Tourist Review 44 (1), 3-7. Lehto, 2006. Yoga tourism as a niche within the wellness tourism market. Tourism Recreation Research 31 (1), 5-14. Lam, T., Hsu, C.H.C., 2006. Predicting behavioral intention of choosing a travel destination. Tourism Management 27 (4), 589-599. Leiper, N. 1995 Tourism Management Collingwood, VIC : TAFE Publications

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Pigs Cant Fly Essay -- Childrens Books Literature Essays

Pigs Can't Fly "Why?" Amma said. "Because the sky is so high and pigs can't fly, that's why." --From "Pigs Can't Fly" The "why" and "because" of life is often best captured by children, for they, as the relatively less socialized individuals in society, will often innocently question the social myths we, the adults, always take for granted and as the truth. Hence, adults are usually at a loss as to the "because" when children ask in that "cruelly direct way" why certain things happen, or why certain things are the way they are in society. Many adults simply brush off the children's disturbing questions, either telling the children to leave well alone or replying with an answer that has absolutely no relation to the original question, as Arjie's mother does in "Pigs Can't Fly". However, question though they may, children do not have the ability to comprehend the complex societal boundaries they transgress. Intelligent criticism of what we assume as our social reality must come from adult minds. Very often though, a literary text is able to dexterously blend both the poignancy of childhood and the sha rp perspective of a mature consciousness to better question the social myths we assume to be truth and reality. "Pigs Can't Fly" is such a text, and it achieves its blend of childhood poignancy and adult maturity through the literary devices of narrator and narratee. The narrator in "Pigs Can't Fly" is a young child of seven, and the whole story is related to us through his childish perspective, except for a brief moment when we get a sense of an older Arjie, who tells us that "the remembered innocence of childhood" is now lost to him forever. The narratee, the person whom the author assumes the story is to be told to, is howe... ...s a criticism of the social myths we wrap comfortably around ourselves as reality, my reading requires a narratee who has a certain background in social criticism and who may be interested in reading the story in this way. However, many readings may be derived from "Pigs Can't Fly," and hence I feel it is enough to simply understand that the story is essentially about the alienation and loneliness one feels at not being what society expects, and empathy with such a person, instead of bristling self righteousness will better serve towards peace and tolerance in our societies, than all the wealth or knowledge we can ever garner. Bibliography Chatman, Seymour. "Narration: Narrator and Narratee." Reading Narrative Fiction. Ed. Seymour Chatman. New York: Macmillan, 1993. 130-141. Selvadurai, Shyam. "Pigs Can't Fly." Funny Boy. New York: Vintage, 1995. 1-40.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

A Good Man is Hard To Find: “Good” When Faced With Conflict Essay examp

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, there are eighty-one entries for the small and seemingly simple word, â€Å"good.† The first definition given defines â€Å"good† as an adjective meaning â€Å"of a favorable character or tendency† ("Good"). In this case a â€Å"good person† must be someone who exhibits those qualities of â€Å"favorable character.† In the world of today, a subject of much debate has been the concept of what qualifies a person as a â€Å"good person.† In Flannery O’Connor’s short story, â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find,† the unnamed grandmother struggles to discover an individual with the traits of a â€Å"good person† both in others and ultimately, in herself. This is apparent when the grandmother suddenly repents and her â€Å"good† qualities show when the Misfit has a gun pointed to her head. â€Å"Good† qualities are found in a person if he is faced with a confli ct. Flannery O'Connor uses dark humor, grotesque characters and situations, and religious themes to lead the readers to an epiphany about their faith and their belief in God. Flannery O'Connor uses dark humor and grotesque situations to grasp the reader’s attention. O’Connor was born into a Catholic family in the predominantly Protestant Georgia. She learned shortly after her college education was complete that she suffered from lupus, an autoimmune disease that had killed her father ten years earlier (Meyer). She uses the dark humor and the grotesque characters and situations because she felt that people were actually truer and became â€Å"good† people when faced with conflicting situations. Her characters experience horrific moments that eventually leads to an epiphany. The belief in miracles and the â€Å"good† in people is what all people want to discover in others, but for many ... ...rary Journal 36.1 (2003): 46+. Literature Resource Center. Web. 16 Mar. 2012. "Good." 1a. Merriam-Webster. Online ed. 2012. N. pag. Web. 1 Apr. 2012. Hendricks, T.W. "Flannery O'Connors' 'Spoiled Prophet'." Modern Age 51.3-4 (2009): 202+. Literature Resource Center. Web. 16 Mar. 2012. Meyer, Michael. Introduction. The Compact Bedford Introduction to Literature. Ed. Michael Meyer. 9th ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2012. 362-67. Print. O'Connor, Flannery. "A Good Man is Hard to Find." The Compact Bedford Introduction to Literature. Ed. Michael Meyer. 9th ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2012. 367-77. Print. Owens, Mitchell. "The Function of Signature in 'A Good Is Hard to Find.'." Studies in Short Fiction 33.1 (Winter 1996): 101-106. Rpt. in Short Story Criticism. Ed. Janet Witalec. Vol. 61. Detroit: Gale, 2003. Literature Resource Center. Web. 16 Mar. 2012.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Causes of Air Pollution Essay

There are several main causes of air pollution, the vast majority of them can be attributed to man. Some natural sources of air pollution include forest fires, dust storms, and volcanic eruptions. Plants such as ragweed contaminate the air with pollen. Decaying leaves and other forms of vegetation release gases that contribute to air pollution and cause haze. (Morgan) Air pollution is the introduction into the atmosphere of chemicals, particulates, and biological matter that cause harm to humans, other living organisms, or cause damage to the natural environment. Stratospheric ozone depletion (contributed to air pollution) has long been recognized as a threat to human health as well as to the Earth’s ecosystems. The Earth is capable of cleaning itself of a certain level of pollution, but man-made pollutant have become too numerous for the Earth’s natural mechanisms to remove. We are seeing the results of this overload in the form of acid rain, smog, and the variety of health problems that can be contributed to our environment. (Godish) One of the main causes of air pollution is manufacturing. This source of pollution spews particulate matter and chemicals into the atmosphere. The exhaust from a factory includes, sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and dioxide, as well as volatile organic compounds and particulates. There is not an area of the Earth’s atmosphere or an ecosystem that has not been altered by the long term effects of the pollution created by manufacturing. Strides have been made to filter the material coming from manufacturing plants, but it may take the Earth millennia to completely recover from the damage already done. (universe) A surprisingly link may exist between ocean fertility and air pollution over land, according to Georgia Institute of Technology research reported in the Feb. 16 issue of the Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres. The work provides new insight into the role that ocean fertility plays in the complex cycle involving carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in global warming. (Cain) Finally, the burning of fossil fuels is a part of everyday life of every human on the planet. We burn fossil fuels in our cars, fossil fuel is burned to extract fossil fuel from the Earth, and fossil fuel is used to process fossil fuel into its individual components. Every step of the way releases sulfur and nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, heavy metals and particulates into the air. Each step in the process increases the number of asthma cases in the world, raises a person’s chance of having cancer, and increases the chance that your child will be born with congenital defects. (Turco) References Cain, Fraser. (2005). Air Pollution Linked to Growth of Life in Oceans. Retrieved from Godish, Thad. 1997. Air Quality, 3rd ed. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, Fl. Morgan, M. T. (2003). Environmental Health, (3rd ed.). Belmont: CA: Wadsworth Turco, Richard P. 2001. Earth Under Siege: From Air Pollution to Global Change, 2nd ed. Oxford University Press, New York.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Facts of the Case Essay

The video of case number 82A04-8876-CV-285, White vs. Gibbs and O’Malley’s Tavern, is a video where the defendant is going before judges seeking summary judgment as a matter of law in their favor. Debbie White has sued Patrick Gibbs under the civil provisions of Indiana’s Dram Shop Act, Indiana Code 7.1-5-10-15.5. This case was brought in diversity before the United States District Court for the Northern District of Indiana due to the parties residing in two different states. The case will be decided under Indiana state law. The purpose of this trial is to argue the motion of summary judgment. A summary judgment is â€Å"a procedure used during civil litigation to quickly resolve a case without a trial. The judge grants summary judgment only if there are no disputes as to the material facts of the case and the party is entitled to judgment as a matter of law†. The plaintiff in this case is Mrs. White and attorneys Amanda Babot and Jackson Walsh represent her. The defendant in this case is Mr. Gibbs and O’Malley’s Tavern being represented by Attorneys Benjamin Walton and Jordan Van Meter. Mr. Walton is addressing the issue of actual knowledge of visual intoxication as required under the Indiana Dram Shop Act. Mr. Walton argued that Mr. Hard was not engaging in any activities that would have adequately demonstrated intoxication. Hard was simply sitting at a bar in the presence of John Daniels, the bartender. The only evidence of Mr. Hart being intoxicated is that he was more â€Å"chatty† than usual. According to the Indiana Supreme Court, â€Å"if increased talkativeness is the only evidence, that is insufficient as a matter of law to support any reasonable inference of actual knowledge.† (Delta ta Delta). Mr. Van Meter is addressing the issue of approximate causation for the defense. Mr. Hard’s criminal act is a super ceding intervening cause, which breaks the cause of connection between the negligence of the defendant and the injury. Also, because this was a criminal act, the injury that resulted was not a natural and probable consequence that w as reasonably foreseeable in light of the circumstances. Mr. Walsh, the plaintiff’s attorney, is presenting the issue of actual knowledge of intoxication. Mr. Walsh is arguing against summary judgment based on two reasons. First, Indiana Courts have held that when a reasonable inference of evidence and circumstances of a case could result in more than one conclusion, summary judgment is inappropriate. Second, the jury could infer that the bartender had actual knowledge of the visible intoxication of Mr. Hard when he last served him alcohol. Ms. Babot is arguing against summary judgment based on approximate cause due to three reasons. First, there are reasonable inferences that a jury could make in favor of the plaintiff. Second, the injuries to Mrs. White were the reasonable and foreseeable consequences of serving an intoxicated patron. Thirdly, a criminal can be the intervening act that does not break the chain of causation because the act is reasonably foreseeable. Ms. Babot listed four factors that a judge has to look at when considering approximate. What and how much alcohol was consumed, what is the amount of time it was served in, the conditions of the patron before leaving the bar, and the condition of the patron immediately after leaving. Facts There were previous incidents where Mr. Hard and Mr. White had altercations. On one incident, Hard and Mr. White were in a physical altercation and had to be separated. During this incident, Mr. Hard was sober. This shows that there is a history of Mr. Hart trying to physically hurt Mr. White. In this particular case, Mr. and Mrs. White went to O’Malley’s Tavern. Edward Hard, Mrs. White’s former lover, was also at the tavern that night. Mr. Hard’s bar tab shows that he purchased 13 alcohol drinks, in a 2 hour and 40 minute period. Before Mrs. White arrived at the Tavern, he had five drinks. In roughly a half hour, John Daniels, the bartender, served Edward Hart five shots of whisky and one beer. Mr. Daniels was the only bartender working the night of July 28th so he served all the shots of liquor and other alcoholic beverages to Mr. Hard. When Mr. Hard finished his last shot of liquor, Hard tried to stand up from his barstool and tripped over a pool stick and fell. The bartender was not in the room when Hart fell. By the time John Daniels came back into the room, Edward Hard was already up and back on his bar stool. The bartender then served him another beer. When Mr. Hard saw Mr. and Mrs. White leaving, he finished his drink and proceeded to pursue them. At 7:43 pm, he was served his last drink. Five minutes later he paid and leaves. Once outside, Mr. Hard raised his hand in an attempt to strike one of them, but as he swung, he fell to the ground. Once the Whites were in their car and leaving. Mr. Hard started his car and sped out of the parking lot recklessly hitting cars and other items on his way out. Mr. Hard was also swerving erratically while driving after Mr. and Mrs. White. The 911 call showed that Mr. Hard was on the wrong side of the road when Mrs. White made a left hand turn. Mrs. White also said that Mr. Hard was following them. Before the collision, Mr. Hard did not slow down as he drove straight into Mrs. White car. At 7:55 p.m., the police report is taken for the accident. Mr. Hard was disheveled, swaying, staggering, unable to speak coherently, and having poor hand-eye coordination. Issue The legal issue is whether the O’Malley’s Tavern is legally responsible for the Mrs. White’s injuries and Mr. White’s death. If the bartender had actual visual knowledge of Mr. Hard’s intoxication, then the tavern can be held responsible for the incident. [What is the legal issue that this case hinges on? Possibly, whether or not the Dram law applies and if so how- you figure this one out from the video? State what the issue is. This is probably only 1 or 2 sentences.] Analysis Mr. Walton and Mr. Van Meter have the more conviencing argument in this trial. If the bartender was not in the room to witness Mr. Hard fall down while he was still drinking, then there was no action to show the level of Mr. Hard’s intoxication. It would be difficult to gauge how intoxicated Mr. Hard was based on him drinking. The first time that the bartender would have truly noticed that he was intoxicated was after Mr. Hard had finished drinking and fell down when he tried to hit Mr. White as he was leaving. Since there was a history of altercations between Mr. Hard and Mr. White, as well as the same night of the accident, it is safe to reason that Mr. Hard running into the White’s vehicle was meant to cause harm to Mr. White. This would make the action premeditated and thus a criminal offense, not negligence on the tavern behalf.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Pm Tests

Week 2 : Planning the Project: Scope and Responsibilities – Quiz ————————————————- Top of Form Time Remaining:  |   Ã‚  Ã‚  | 1. (TCO A) Projects have specific attributes. Which of the following is not an attribute? (Points : 5)|   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Has a sponsor or customer. Has interdependent tasks. Utilizes various resources. All of the above are project attributes. | 2. (TCO A) Which step of the project life cycle involves identification of a need, problem, or opportunity? (Points : 5)|   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Initiating Planning Performing Closing | 3. TCO B) For a project, the objective is usually defined in terms of which three items? (Points : 5)|   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Scope, schedule, and cost Schedule, plan, and controls Plan, scope, and packages Scope, cost and controls | 4. (TCO A) a) If the project scope is increased, what are the l ikely steps that the project manager would take with regards to the other triple constraints? Why? (15 points) b) If the project schedule is relaxed or lengthened, what is the impact on quality? (15 points)  (Points : 30)According to the triple constraints: â€Å"Scope, Time, Cost†.All three of these impact the quality depending on which trade off is affecteda) The longer a project takes to complete, the more it will impact the quality of the project as a whole. b) Being relaxed or expanding the time frame for completion will impact scope and cost. Why? More money and less time to complete the work package deliverables. | 5. (TCO B) You are reaching the end of your graduate school program, and are planning a large party to celebrate your success! You have rented out the local forest preserve as the venue for your party.Applying your project management skills, you want to ensure you have everything planned out and you’ve asked your family and friends to be a part of y our team to hold this party. At your party, you have made it clear to your team what you want to have delivered. After all, it’s your party – you can have whatever you want! Some of the key items you want at your party include: * Graduation announcements * Party invitations * Live entertainment * Games (for adults and for children) * Food * Beverages * Convenience for all (parking, restroom facilities, etc. a) To ensure you have a clear scope for your team, create a 2-level WBS. Don’t forget to include your WBS numbering. (20 points) b) In your WBS, how many work packages have been created? (10 points)  (Points : 30)Level 11. 0 Graduation 1. 1 Graduation announcements 1. 2 Party invitations 1. 3 Live entertainment 1. 4 Games (for adults and for children)Level 22. 0 Food and Services 2. 1 Beverages 2. 2 Rest room facilities 2. 3 Valet Parking  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  | | Time Remaining:  |   Ã‚  Ã‚  | Bottom of Form

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Forgive my Guilt Essay

Who was the poet who wrote the poem â€Å"Forgive my Guilt†? Well the poet who wrote the poem â€Å"Forgive my Guilt† was the American poet Robert P. Tristram Coffin. Robert was born on March 18, 1892 at Brunswick, Maine. Robert won the Pulitzer Prize for his poem â€Å"Strange Holiness† in 1936. His poems were based on New England farm and his voyage life. His poems were committed to cheerful acts for the world. Sadly Robert died on January 20, 1955 at Portland, Maine. In the poem â€Å"Forgive my Guilt† the poet uses rhyme, imagery and simile to make us understand and visualize the poem better. The speaker in this poem is the author. The author is talking about his summer when he was younger. He uses simile in the quote â€Å"They cried out like two sorrowful high flutes† meaning that the two birds cried sound like an out of tune flute that sounds horrible. He uses imagery because it helps me picture that two birds have been injured, by telling us that he had a pellet gun and shot the poor birds. The poem starts by saying â€Å"Not always sure what things called sins may be, I am sure of one sin I have done It was years ago, and I was a boy. In this sentence the author is admitting that he have done a sin when he was younger. A sin is when you have done the wrong action, a regrettable action. It continues to say â€Å"I lay in the frostflowers with a gun† he is started to say that he was lying on the ground filled with frostflowers. Then it says â€Å"The air ran blue as the flowers, I held my breath† when he said the air ran blue he reflects the sky. Then it says â€Å"Two birds on golden legs slim as dream things† he is making us visualize by telling us that the sun was reflecting the birds legs. Then it says â€Å"Ran like quicksilver on the golden sand† when he said this he meant that he was running on the beach. Then it says â€Å"My gun went off, they ran with broken wings† he said that he fired his gun and shot a bird and that bird was trying to fly with a broken wing. Then it continues to says â€Å"Into the sea, I ran to fetch them in, But they swam with their heads high out to sea,† he said that he knew that he shot a bird so he ran towards to see if the birds were fine but the birds swam away toward the sea. Then it continues to say â€Å"They cried like two sorrowful high flutes, with jagged ivory bones where wings should be† when he said that â€Å"they cried like sorrowful high flute† he meant that their cries sounded like an out of tune flute, which sounds horrible and then when it says â€Å"with jagged ivory bones where wings should be† he is telling us since he shot the birds, he left the birds wounds. Then it continues to say â€Å"For days I heard them when I walked that headland Crying out to their kind in the blue† he tells us that he went back to see the birds and saw that the birds were telling something to their herd. Headland is when your near a fence or border. Then it says â€Å"The other plovers were going over south on silver wings leaving these broken two† he said that the plovers sadly left the two birds and headed south without them. Then it says â€Å"The cries went out one day but I still hear them Over all the sound of sorrow in war or peace I ever heard, time cannot drown them. † He said that the cries of the birds followed him everywhere he goes not matter what he was doing he still heard their cries. Then it ends by saying â€Å"Those slender flutes of sorrow never cease. Two airy things forever denied the air! I never knew how their lives at last were split, But I have hoped for years all that is wild, Airy, and beautiful will forgive my guilt. † The author is telling us that the cries never stopped, he has heard their cries for many years, he is saying that he is sorry for the sin he has done and finally apologize for the guilt he has committed when he was younger. The poem is telling us to think before we commit something because you never know that the actions you decide might haunt you forever. It also says to always think twice because when you decide to do something and do it, you might regret it because you can’t go back in time and change your actions. This poem brings a good message to me. It helped me realize that I have to always think twice because I might regret doing something and if I don’t think twice the action I committed my haunt my life forever. Knowing this I will always think twice before I do something. When you read this analysis hopefully this poem brought you a lesson, a lesson in which tells you to always think twice before you commit something you’ll regret throughout your life!

Should Everyone Undertake University

ASSIGNMENT: REFERENCED ESSAY TITTLE: EDUCATION TOPIC 1: SHOULD EVERYONE BE REQUIRED TO UNDERTAKE A UNIVERSITY EDUCAtion DATE: 6 JANUARY 2013 In modern life, many students choose to enter university or college after they have graduated high school because higher education is a good environment to prepare for their future. However, some others think that it is only one of causes to increase the rate of unemployment, while they just need to follow vocational training or start working to improve their skills.This essay argues that everyone should be required to undertake a university education because it gives benefit to individuals such as career opportunities with higher earnings and social benefits. One of the main reasons why people should go to university is because it is a personal investment that can improve their life’s quality in the future. In higher education, people not only learn the knowledge from books but they also acquire what they need to know for their future li fe.Potter (2006) states that â€Å"university graduates also enjoy lots of other non-market benefits, including a lifetime of better mental and physical health, stronger social networks, and higher social status†. Indeed, university education provides many opportunities and benefits. Firstly, higher education provides career opportunities for students because they can get more knowledge and experience for their jobs in the future. Lederer (2010) mentions that university students will have lower unemployment rates in an economic downturn.This means as job markets are growing up, there are hundreds of applicants for one position in a company so if people do not have a qualification from university or college, it will be hard for them to be accepted. Furthermore, individual income is also strongly related to education attainment. People who graduate higher education may earn more than others so they will have more employer provided health and pension benefits. For example, accor ding to Baum (2007) â€Å"the typical bachelor’s degree recipient can expect to earn about 61% more over 40 years working life than the typical high school graduate earning over the same period†.Some students believe that vocational training might be seen alternative program for university. However, they can still find a good job, their company will require college or university experience if they want to have a higher salary. Finally, higher education is where students build connected networks. They may meet friends and mentors that become a future contact and colleagues from all activities when learning including volunteer work, summer jobs or student organizations. The author in the article â€Å"building rapport-establishing bonds† states that developing professional connection is a skill that everyone can learn and can use easily.They can use it to bring countless opportunities to be successful. Consequently, studying higher education will make more new opp ortunities for student to have a better life and prepare for their career. Next, undertaking university education is not just benefitcal for individual students but also beneficial to the whole society. People, who have higher learning, will have awareness and responsibility for their life. Firstly, going to university is related to economic advantages of society.Baum (2007) presents: â€Å"higher levels of education lead to both higher of earning for individuals and higher taxes revenues for federal, state, and local governments†. University graduates not only pay more taxes with higher income, but they also tend to have better health and depend less on government programs and spend more leisure time with their family or on civic activities. Moreover, students who have higher education will have more knowledge and awareness in life choices and can more easily to avoid lack of money and will become a criminal. According to Dr.Hill (2005), educational attainment may lead to le ss criminal behavior and lower imprisonment rate. Thus, the number of criminals will decline so human life will be happier and people no longer worried about things such as phishing, theft or violence. Higher education is a good way to help develop the economy and society. In conclusion, everyone should be required to undertake university education because students can have the opportunity to prepare for their jobs, creating career opportunities and higher income in the future. This leads to better individual life’s quality and give more benefits for society.Overall, from reasons above, students should be encouraged to go to university to get better life and better country. REFERENCE LIST: Baum and Payea, 2005, ‘the benefits of higher education for individuals and society’, College Board, vol. 1, page 10 and 16, viewed 6 January 2013 http://www. collegeboard. com/prod_downloads/about/news_info/trends/ed_pays_2007. pdf ‘Building rapport-establishing bondsâ⠂¬â„¢, mind tools, viewed 6 January 2013 http://www. mindtools. com/pages/article/building-rapport. htm Hill Ph. D, Hoffman Ph. D and Rex MBA, 2005, ‘the value of higher education: individual and societal benefit’, school of business, vol. , page 24, viewed 6 January 2013 http://wpcarey. asu. edu/seid/upload/Value%20Full%20Report_final_october%202005a. pdf Lederer, J 2010, â€Å"Job Growth: Why increasing education attainment is so important for creating jobs†, Washington Higher Education Coordinating Board, viewed 6 January 2013 http://www. wsac. wa. gov/sites/default/files/TAB7A-JobGrowthPresentation. pdf Potter, A 2006, â€Å"should everyone go to university? †, reading pack, vol. 6, viewed 6 January 2013 http://www. macleans. ca/education/universities/article. jsp? content=20061113_136513_136513

Friday, September 13, 2019

Book review Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Book review - Assignment Example Despite being an anarchist, he strongly opposed the use of violence to solve the problems facing society. Rather, he believed that the society could be reformed through active non-violence. The story in the novel The Adventures of Caleb Williams revolves around Caleb, who despite being a poor orphan, manages to get better education. He later earns a lot of respect from community members owing to his enlightenment. The novel, basically, gives an account of the position taken by Caleb with respect to the wealthiest man in the neighborhood, Mr. Falkland (Godwin 2004, p.5). The fact that Mr. Falkland has a lot of wealth in the village makes his respectable to the extent that villagers, including Caleb, worship him. Nevertheless, Caleb appears to be very suspicious of Mr. Falkland. He believes that Mr. Falkland engages in unethical activities. As a result, Caleb decides to investigate Mr. Falkland’s past only to unearth some damning information. In the novel The Adventures of Caleb William, Godwin as the author tries to expose the rot in the political and social spheres of England during the 18th century (Godwin 2004, p.6). Godwin exposes vices by giving an overview of the injustices that were the orders of the day in the prison system. He also exposes the oppression of peasants by landlords, the oppression of the poor by the elite, as well the oppression of common citizens by government. The author reveals the injustice of the political and social system through various scenes. For example, he exposes an incident in which Mr. Falkland, knowingly and willingly, witnesses the execution of two innocent men for a crime that he committed himself. This is brought out when Caleb exposes the secret murder of Tyrrel, one of the landlords, by Falkland. Immediately after the murder, Caleb informs the public that Falkland used his power and wealth to blame two innocent men for the murder that led to the execution of the two innocent men (Godwin 2004, p.9). Nevertheless, when Falkland discovers that Caleb knows the truth about the incident, he threatens Caleb with grave consequences, warning him against exposing him further to the public. Despite the threats that he receives from Falkland, Caleb goes ahead to expose murder to the public, a move that puts him at loggerheads with Falkland. Caleb ends up paying the price of revealing the truth when Falkland implants jewelry in his bag later accusing him of being a thief (Godwin 2004, p.16). Without the authorities carrying proper and impartial investigations, Caleb ends up in prison. After staying in prison for a while, Caleb makes a daring escape but he is later recaptured in the streets of London. However, his release from prison comes quick with the intervention of Falkland. Falkland actually uses his power and wealth to manipulate Caleb’s release from prison (Godwin 2004, p.20) after he senses that he is in jeopardy of revelation of his deeds to a greater extent if he keeps Caleb in prison. As a result, Caleb is released from prison without a trial. This shows how injustice, impunity, and corruption were rife in the society during the time that the novel was written. Godwin’s fictional story gives a clear depiction of painful and intolerable oppression and the kind of bullying that the good people of 18th century were subjected to in their pursuit for justice and equality. Despite being set